Meet the rider: Alison Lee from Lime Kiln Farm Equestrian Centre


As well as running Lime Kiln Farm Equestrian Centre in north Norfolk, Alison Lee travels throughout the UK competing in British showjumping. Since January 2012, the centre has been a UK Riders and a Trailblazers approved centre, enabling it to hold a variety of qualifiers for its unaffiliated competitors.

This year's competition schedule at Lime Kiln Farm is packed, which is how Alison likes things. "2016 was a bit of a quiet year for me", she explains, "however it did include the birth of my second homebred and my first colt, Marius Aurelius. I hope to keep him entire and compete with him in a few years time."

Alison's 'quiet year' was nevertheless exciting by most rider's standards. "My competitive season started off well with several wins across the eastern region, but unfortunately I tore two ligaments in my knee at the beginning of July so I was unable to ride for 16 weeks. During my time off I sold my 7.5t lorry to fund the build of a new 18t truck, which will be on the road in January. It will enable me to take more horses to shows & go further afield in 2017."

Alison is now planning for a year of competition: "I'm hopeful 2017 will be a more competitive year for me, with the aim to compete outside of the UK for the first time, as well as backing my homebred 3yo later in the year."

 Nags Essentials is proud to support Alison Lee and wishes her well for 2017.