Kentucky Mesh Fly Rug

KentuckySKU: 52163-32-125

Sale price£138.99


Kentucky Horsewear Mesh Fly Rug

Just in time for the summer season, the new Mesh Horse Fly Rug will protect your horse from the annoying flies. Made from a durable woven mesh fabric, the material will help keep bugs off your horse. Thanks to its strength the Mesh Fly Rug will protect horses with sensitive skin that can be irritated by fly bites etc. Its durability of materials will also help in the field for many summers to come.

The fabric that lays against the horse is soft on the coat and will not irritate the skin. It also has the benefit that no hairs will stick to the rug and as a result means your horse will stay nice and cool with maximum air flow throughout the day.

The soft colour in beige, will also help reflect the rays of sun so that the rug does not absorb the heat again helping to keep your horse comfortable through the day. The mane and chest area, plus the tail flap are lined with a smooth polyester and as a result prevents rubbing.

The Mesh Fly Rug is designed in a unique shape that enables the rug to stay in position, even after a roll in the field. The front of the rug is securely fastened by a strong hook and loop and a special triangle closure. This triangle closure allows you to adjust the rug more precisely for a better fit.

To protect the belly area the rug features a belly flap. This flap is fastened by a hook and loop and 3 straight surcingles. Thanks to the belly cover being fitted close to the horse’s belly, you avoid that insects fly in from the sides. The tail flap is made that little bit longer than usual and features an elastic for the tail. Thanks to the elastic, the tail stays close to the rug and offers more protection.

The detachable neckpiece is reinforced with a thicker and stronger webbing, so it does not slide down the neck. Because this reinforcement is on both sides of the neck, it doesn’t put pressure directly on the mane.

The Mesh Fly Rug is machine washable. Allow to air dry

Available in 5’9 – 7’0.

Things to remember

– Ultimate fly protection with ultimate comfort.
– No pressure on the chest and withers thanks to the closure
– Comes with a neckpiece
– Mesh fabric allows air permeability
– Avoids rubbing on the manes, chest and tail thanks to the lining

What’s special?
The Mesh Fly Rug offers utmost protection against any insect. This makes it the perfect rug for horses with very sensitive skin. The rug is featured with a special triangle closure. This closure relieves pressure on the horse’s chest and withers, therefore it’s very comfortable during grazing. For extra comfort and protection, we included a detachable neckpiece.


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