Eczema Rug Comfort

QHPSKU: 6086 GS 205

Sale price£79.95


The eczema sheet comfort is a very comfortable rug featuring extra stretchable shoulder gussets and an insert in the neck for added comfort and moveability. The eczema rug protects the horse against insect stings. The culicoides species especially can cause an allergic reaction in some horses. The use of an eczema rug prevents heavy itches and the following scratching. The eczema rug also protects against sun rays. The rug is made from very breathable stretch fabric and features a separate belly flap. Colour: Grey Sizes: 145 up to and including 215 Details 6086: Eczema rug with an attached neck Made from high quality breathable material Features a separate belly flap with three surcingles Very good fit Elastic shoulder gussets and elastic inserts in the neck for added comfort and movability Please note: This size is the total length of the rug in cm


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