Kentucky Quarter Rug

KentuckySKU: 52108-01-M

Sale price£90.99


The Kentucky Horsewear Quarter Rug or Exercise Sheet is the perfect choice for the early mornings and colder months. Use when warming up and also when cooling down. An exercise sheet like no other. The Kentucky Quarter Rug is lined with a luxurious faux fur. The faux fur lining is soft on the most sensitive skin and as a result, will help prevent the rug from rubbing.

The Quarter Rug is soft and comfortable on the horses body and will provide optimum warmth for your horse. Containing 160gr of filling. The faux fur creates tiny air pockets against the horses skin and as a result helps maintain the horses temperature.

Please note. One of the latest changes in the Dressage rules for 2019 state that only rugs designed for exercise will be allowed in the warm up arena. Rest assured. The Kentucky Quarter sheet fulfills that amendment and can be worn in the warm up ring.

The Quarter Rug attaches to the saddle with two Velcro fastenings and a tail cord. As a result this prevents the rug slipping off the horse whilst riding. Finally finished with Diamond quilting pattern, and brown artificial leather piping.

The Kentucky logo is stitched in brown artificial leather giving the Quarter Rug a very fancy and stylish look.

Sizes available. Medium (Suitable for 5’9 – 6’3) and Large (Suitable 6’6 – 6’9).


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