Korsteel Stainless Steel Jointed Tom Thumb Rugby Pelham

Sale price£29.00


The Rugby Jointed Pelham from Korsteel a popular alternative to a double bridle. This bit may be preferable to a double bridle as some horses do not tolerate having two bits in their mouth, as their tongue may be too fleshy and their palate to low. The Rugby Pelham gives the appearance of a double bridle, due to the loose snaffle ring looking like a bradoon bit.

The single joint on the bit has a nutcracker action, which mainly affects the tongue, the roof and the bars of the mouth, however the addition of a curb chain and a shank creates both poll and curb pressure. The curb pressure can be varied depending on how the curb chain has been fitted. This bit should always be used with two reins and works in the same way as a double bridle - the snaffle ring works to lift the horse's head, whilst the curb rein encourages the horse to lower their head.


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