Falabella Stable Rug 200gr

QHPSKU: 6066 BLRU 90

Sale price£47.95


The nylon stable rug is a light rug which is worn indoors. A stable rug breaths better than a turnout rug and keeps the horse warm when it is cold or when there is a draft. A stable rug is essential when a horse has been clipped. This rug has special measurements for Falabellas..

Dark blue check
Sizes: 90 up to and including 115

Fabric composition outside: 100% nylon

Fabric composition inside: 65% polyester, 35% cotton

Fabric composition filling: 100% polyester

Special measurements for Falabellas

With 200g filling

Features a soft fleece collar

Breathable fabric

Features double front closures with quick-fastenings

With cross surcingles, elastic leg straps, tail cord and tail flap


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