Highlander Original Lite Turnout Rug

ShiresSKU: 9350

Sale price£59.99


For comfort during rainy warmer days, the Highlander Lite turnout rug keeps the horse dry without restricting movement. Key features: deep shoulder gussets, fully lined, twin buckle chest fastenings, adjustable cross surcingles, adjustable fillet strap, integrated leg strap loops, tail flap, reflective detail. Technical info: 600 denier ripstop outer. Waterproof 3000mm. Breathable 3000g/m2. Taped seams. ShireTex® fabric technology. DWR - durable water repellent finish. PFC free. WarmaRug Compatible - Upgrade this rug's warmth rating using separate rug liners in 100g or 200g.


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