Kentucky Stable Rug 0g

KentuckySKU: 52124-03-125

Sale price£151.99


Kentucky Horsewear Lightweight Stable Rug

The Kentucky Horsewear Lightweight Stable Rug is stunning. A lightweight stable rug with the famous Kentucky Horsewear faux rabbit fur lining. Zero gram in weight. The faux rabbit fur provides essential warmth when necessary.

The faux fur creates tiny air pockets against the horses body. This Kentucky Stable Rug is breathable and will allow your horse to keep a comfortable temperature in changing climates.

This stable rug is the perfect choice for cooler mornings, travelling to shows and simply to use when travelling. Stylish and comfortable. Finished with the Kentucky diamond quilting and artificial sheepskin on the withers.  Fitted with two fixed surcingles and tail cord.

Looking for a stable rug more suitable to a colder climate.

Available in Navy and now Black!


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