Although none of us would ever consider taking to the saddle without a hat, BETA aim to highlight the three key areas we should look at to ensure our equipment is providing optimum protection.
Fit - You wouldn’t ride in a pair of boots three sizes too big, so don’t take a risk when it comes to your safety gear. Hats and body protectors should be professionally fitted, if they are too big or too small the protection they offer is drastically compromised.
Correctly Fastened - It may seem obvious, but especially in a hurry, it can be easy to miss a fastening on a body protector, or simply pull on a hat rather than correctly clasping a chin strap closed. Taking a few extra seconds to adjust and secure garments could make the difference between them working and not.
Standard - Safety standards are in place for all riding hats, body protectors and high visibility wear. Check the BETA website to see if your equipment is up to standard for the activities you do.
Many top equestrian names such as William Fox-Pitt and Charlotte Dujardin have given their support to the campaign, most of whom have experienced first-hand the vital need for safety equipment to conform to the above points.
Throughout the week, Nags Essentials will be offering a 10% discount on all hats and body protectors, as well as our usual professional fitting service. With competition season around the corner, now is the time to make sure you’re up to standard!