Spring clean your yard

Have we skipped a season? It certainly seems like we have jumped straight from winter into summer, but let’s not forget the all-important spring clean in our heatwave excitement! The snow, wind and rain over the last few months has left a muddy mess in its wake, not to mention depriving you of time for extra yard duties. So, before you cast aside the rugs in the corner of the tack room, rushing off to enjoy the nearest bridleway, make a list of those essential stable jobs for when you’re not in the saddle.

Sprucing up the yard with a systematic sweep and scrub will give you a fresh, more organised start to the summer with happy, healthy horses. If you can’t remember the last time you disinfected the simple things you use every day, like grooming kits and buckets, its probably time you did! There are a range of non-toxic disinfectants available such as Barrier Equine V1 which can be used on both the stable and equipment, effective against all known bacteria.

Before tackling the deep clean, take everything out so that nothing is missed and give the area a good sweep to remove cobwebs and dust. Scrubbing rubber matting might not be an appealing afternoon’s work, but it will ensure a thorough cleanse as well as helping to eliminate lingering odours. Make sure you give it time to dry properly before putting it back in.

On to the tack room tidy, it’s time to be brutal! For most of us, space is at a premium, so don’t be afraid to discard any dust gatherers you haven’t used in years. Clean anything that needs it, repair or replace anything that is broken and importantly, organise the area so that everything has a place. Handy hooks are perfect space savers, keeping equipment off of dusty floors and reducing trip hazards. It is also worth protecting your hard work with some practical storage solutions to keep your gleaming tack and equipment dirt free.

Before you hang up the tools, complete a maintenance inspection of both the stable area and paddocks, checking for broken fencing/doors and abandoned items such as headcollars (shoes, masks, bandages – the list is endless as we all know!). No matter how ship shape your yard is, a quick check could help prevent a pricey vet bill later on from a simple job left unnoticed.

Finally, as a reward for all this effort, why not organise a spring clean of your equestrian togs, just in time for a new summer wardrobe!